for Meher Baba's 110th Birthday
I. The news today Is still bogus: We seek evil Outside ourselves, We foul our planet With our own wastes. Las Vegas hedges Bets on our survival, But life goes on For another day Of illusory Time In illusory Creation. II. In news within You kneel, Silent In Your Samadhi. It's already Your 110th Birthday in some places. The River of Thought That separates us Flows unceasingly From its unending source Amid the glaciers Breaking off somewhere Deep in the frozen Mountains of Unconscious Ego. But another river Joins the River of Thought, And this, the River Of Remembrance of You, Helps all thought find its way To the Ocean of Release. I stand On the other side Of these merged rivers, Bowing to YOU, And sometimes, For a moment, I am right Beside YOU, At YOUR FEET.

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