Lost In The Dark Cloud


                               When I strain
                                And cannot move an inch,
                                I need not curse myself
                                But only realize
                                You may be reining me in
                                For reasons of Your own,
                                Knowing the Grand Plan of my life,
                                While I myself
                                See not an inch in front of my face.

                                Worry, misery, fly away:
                                What we pass through is only
                                Our Beloved's Care
                                Manifested toward us
                                As tractor turns the earth,
                                That Life may grow.

                                Our deepest despair,
                                Our greatest pain
                                Are but to temper us
                                To feel and know You more
                                Through Faith that parts the clouds
                                And makes all clear.

                                So let us be trodden over
                                A hundred times,
                                More pliable each time.