On a 1960 Photo of Beloved Baba

ere is the God Who has suffered for all of us.
In His eyes you can see an unbearable, terrible pain.

The Redeemer became stooped and broken by the redeemed.
How can God allow Himself to feel such anguish?

His Suffering is laid bare, here, for all to see.
Those drinking the Wine forget about the grapes that were                                                                             crushed.

How can You suffer so for us, Beloved?
This photo stretches my mind till it cracks and breaks.

How could You, the pinnacle and summation of human beauty,
Become so bent and gnarled--like a withered old tree?

The lover who will not shrink from grasping this Mystery
Will grasp all mysteries under the sun.

Max says, who of the lovers among us
Will throw his or her body
Under the wheels of the train of Life?



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