

Who are You to be the God of this world?
With one hand You give, with the other take away!

Even as we wave hello to our loved ones,
We're already starting to bid adieu with the other hand.

The moment we come through the Mother-gate,
Life begins preparations
To pat the earth down on top of our grave.

You put cream in my saucer, and when I finally
              let down suspicions enough to enjoy,
The cats have drunk it and there's nothing left at all!

Though I've known You long only as the God of Gentle Love,
There appear to be other kinds of Love at play, as well!

Are we only toys You play with like a selfish child?
A Key to this pain must be hidden along with Your apparent                                                                            callousness..

Oh, Meher, You appear today to be a very cruel God!
Max begs, Help him see the Mercy behind this veil, too!


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