I am a fantasy of Your Mind.
                    Why, then, do You go on causing Yourself so much pain?

                     Perhaps I did heinous things in the Past, but such answers don't satisfy,
                     For "Time" and "Past" are also creations of Your Mind.

                    A thousand answers to these questions I've heard, but still
                    The riddles dwell unsolved in my fantasied breast.

                    Across Epochs, Your Mind needn't travel at all.
                    It comprehends all Time in the Eternal Present.

                   Why, then, make the waves of Your Ocean churn?
                    Intimate One, why not dream instead of fair seas?

                   Of an emerald lake in a turquoise sea You dreamed once;
                   On a small raft I have paddled all my life toward that place.

                   Oh, Meher, Your longing for Yourself creates so much trouble.
                   Max says, why not dream of Union and end this torture?


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