Many have spoken the truth, 
And it marched them to their crosses and graves; 
Many have marched into the fires 
And become a glowing coal. 
Many have wordlessly borne 
The stings of scorpions and the fangs of snakes: 
And the love was shining in their eyes. 

Many have driven lonely, forgotten pathways 
Without a drop of rain
And neither sun nor moon as guides; 
Many have crucified their flesh 
And fasted from human company 
In timeless, trackless deserts. 
Many have known 
The torture of desire attacking the flesh,
Yet have withstood: 
And the love was shining in their eyes. 

Many have fasted, many have prayed, 
Cycle after cycle after cycle
For a glimpse of their Beloved; 
Many have tumbled over cliffs,
breaking every bone, 
And gotten up and marched on again:
And the love was shining in their eyes.

Many have heeded the call of Truth
And followed where it led, 
Though the world thought them mad. 
Many have left all they had. 
Many have heard the Call 
And known it not,
But the Call sought them
And plotted their ruin, 
So that, poor, they might be rich. 
Many have died for Love, 
And many have died into Love,
Age after age after age,
And the love was shining in their eyes. 

Many now the new Christ stirs 
Like sleeping snakes 
Uncoiling slowly as they hear His Call.
Yes, many are they whose earthly ruin 
AVATAR MEHER BABA has plotted: 
The fortunate unfortunate, by whose ruin 
He takes them from the Wheel of Sorrow
And bids them go be free. 

And ruined, they stand in the roadside dust
Singing hymns of His praise: 
And the love is shining in their eyes.



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