School Days and Preschool Days, Too:
A treasury of anecdotes culled from my work and play as a preschool worker and an elementary school after- school activities supervisor



     I arrived at aftercare one day a few months ago as a 2nd grade softball game was in progress, and I took up my frequent role as pitcher and umpire. A little while into the game I learned that a boy I'd always known as "Forrest" was now being addressed, and wanted me to address him, as "Sean".
     Not only that, but his friends Drew and Max, both on his team, were also asking me to address them as Sean. They distinguished themselves by using their last initials.The first Sean was "Sean V". The 2nd—the former Drew—was now " Sean D"; and the boy I'd known for a year as Max, was "Sean L."
      I could only scratch my head at the mysterious proliferation—or spontaneous generation—of Seans from what only the day before had been our utter Seanlessness.
     Within a day or so, Sean D. had become Drew again, and Sean L. had become Max, but Sean V. remained Sean. It wasn't clear to me what was going on.
     I ran into his dad and step-mom at Target one day soon after. In response to my query, his dad shared with me that he, the dad, was named Sean. For years his son Forrest had begged to change his name so he could be Sean just like his dad. Finally, his folks had let him.

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