
                                                    Communicate Perfection.
                                                    Do only work that you love.
                                                    Dive deep, wherever it sends you,
                                                    And follow to the end.


                                                    Perfection is our firmament,
                                                    Love is our mileiu.
                                                    In blue skies I hear wings flapping:
                                                    Birds of spirit are adding more sides
                                                    To our voluptuous souls,
                                                    Taking more away from our rigid,
                                                                                     dying old selves.


                                                    The death of the old is itself the birth of freedom.
                                                    Surrender, all you ragged old men,
                                                    You holy women.
                                                    Dive and drown, follow your Way!


                                                    The world is only blue sky,
                                                    Only perfect situations waiting to be lived.
                                                    Don't bellow at the sun, try your wings!
                                                    You silly old prisoners, go and fly!


                                                     Journey leads past heart of "evil"
                                                     Before quest for Truth is through,
                                                     But look and dive for Treasure
                                                     And you'll find the Pearl in you.

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