"On The Road"


The Road still calls:
No more to "tea parties"
But to Love's Discipline.

Rumi's  Road is travelled
Free of manufactured visions,
Its only madness the naked heart
Leaping like a fish on the beach.

Rumi's Road is travelled
Unbeknownst to all
But traveller and Beloved:
The traveller thirsts,
But does not reveal his thirst..

Rumi's Road will be travelled by each
As he or she is directed there
By ancient, shining Eyes
Whose field of vision
Includes the whole world.

Hear the trees along the road
Blow in the evening breeze!
Feel the light of the moon!

Listen to His call:
"Ours is not a caravan of despair!
 Even if you have broken
 Your vows a thousand times