In the Middle of Illinois — a Swamp?

swamp in Illinois, just off hwy 55

I've passed it all my life, the green, eye-soothing bog that straddles the Cahokia Mounds exit of highway 70/55 heading north and east. What's that doing there, I wondered, because it resembles, to my untrained eye at least, the wetlands I used to see when I lived in coastal South Carolina. I'm still looking for information about this thing. The main thing I want to impress on you, though, is its beauty —
how it cools the eye with its soft, guacamole' colors. It's big, and though we hear of so much environmental despoilation, it looks—also to my untrained eye—completely natural and wild! Which is incredible, because I didn't have to hike at all, just pull onto the shoulder of the highway exit ramp, get out of the car, look to my heart's content, and snap away.

Below are a couple more photos:


This one shows how far back it goes:



At the end of this exit ramp is where the sign on my title page is located. Turning right, in about a mile we arrive at

our destination


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