

The world stands ready to accuse the lover at the drop of a hat
Of everything they'd like to do themselves, and bag him like a cat--

Or maybe dangle him neatly between two trees,
Or place him in boiling oil up to his knees.

Eleven of Jesus' top twelve were slaughtered;
It's a wonder all Humanity doesn't get drawn and quartered!

But that'd leave no one to do the torturing,
And torturers are sorely needed in God's joke-posturing.

"Wanted: torturers: excellent pay," read the ad in Hell.
"All you need to do is go up to the Earth to dwell."

"Signed, God," read the ad. "'Cause I can't leave my lovers hanging.
They need something to prod them, some hammer on
                                                  their heads and hearts a-banging."

"It gives them wings: 'course you won't see them when they've
But your pay will be the Grace, next life to get your ways mended."


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